They have also developed resistance to many chemicals readily available to the public. They are commonly called bedbugs due to the fact that they feed on human and animal blood, so making a home or next inside a bed, behind a light socket or electrical socket next to a bed, is an ideal place for rats to live.
About The Author

Security Termite and Pest Control of Cape Coral is a locally owned, non-franchised, termite and pest control company servicing Lee, Collier and Charlotte Counties for the past 25 years.
Our pest control clients range from single family residential homes to local governments to national commercial chains. We pride ourselves in providing our pest control and termite service with a “customer first” approach. Our management has a wide range of pest control expertise, combining over 70 years of industry experience. If you are looking for a local pest control company, see why we have become the go-to company for many in Southwest Florida.
Related FAQ
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Rats are tiny, about as small as the width of a piece of thread. They can fit in the seam of a …
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Bed bugs can live about a year usually and can live for months in a dormant state without even …
Where Do Rats Come From?
Bed bugs have increased in america over the last few years due to international travels, import…
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